Home / News / DECIDER Progress Meeting held in hybrid format at LMU Munich



- 24/06/2022

The DECIDER project carried out a progress meeting in hybrid format at LMU Munich, while the Vietnamese partners and a few German partners joined virtually.

The meeting started with updates from partners. Due to delay of the website construction, all partners will gradually contribute contents to the DECIDER website, especially with information of former events to fill the timeline of the project activities.

A major theme of this meeting is to prepare for the planned field campaign in Ho Chi Minh City in October, 2022. The consortium agreed to carry out four major events in the field campaign:

  • An internal project meeting will take place in the Southern Institute of Water Resources Research (SIWRR). The project partners will update their research status, and discuss together the details of current progress and remaining work to do.
  • A stakeholder meeting will be held as a key event, where local stakeholders will be invited to make comments and feedback to the project progress.
  • An excursion to some flood sites in HCMC will be organized. The project partner members will revisit some of the flood areas where the households survey took place in 2020, as well as several sluice gates, embankment, pumping stations, etc.
  • GFZ will coordinate a following up households survey to interview the same households and ask similar questions, so to generate a longitudinal survey dataset. The survey aims to collect information of household changes from the last survey in October 2020. SISS, LMU, GSSC, LUFI and WTM will jointly contribute to the survey.
  • UNI-TUE will implement a house survey to collect house feature information of the surveyed households, so to validate the data analysis based on remote sensing and LIDAR data.
  • A tour to key local institutes is expected. The target institutes are those working in the field of flood management in HCMC, e.g. institutes under the People’s Committee.


Beyond that, the meeting also discussed joint publications, a proposal of conference session (e.g. in AAG and EGU 2023), inviting a Vietnamese delegation to Germany, as well as potential further collaboration opportunities.